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Concrete Admixtures


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High-quality Industrial Chemistry Admixtures in Concrete and Solutions Antifreeze admixture « Shtainberg PMP»  

Name Price, rub/kg
1 Antifreeze admixture « Shtainberg FROST 25» ( consistence - water solution)                              42  
2 Antifreeze admixture « Shtainberg FROST 15» ( consistence - water solution)                            45
3 Antifreeze admixture « Shtainberg PMP» ( consistence - water solution)                            25
4 Antifreeze admixture « Shtainberg ANTIFRIZ»MB ( consistence - water solution)                            39
5 Superplasticizer « Shtainberg MP-4»  ( consistence - water    solution)                            26
6 Plasticizer for concrete« Shtainberg F-10» ( consistence - water    solution)                            26
7 Plasticizer for concrete« Shtainberg F-10 Build» ( consistence - water    solution)                            32
8 Plasticizer for solution« Shtainberg PR-1S»(А) ( consistence - water    solution)                            48
9 Plasticizer for solution« Shtainberg PR-1SH»(В) ( consistence - water    solution)                            63
10  Foam maker  « Shtainberg Zelie-1» ( consistence - water    solution)                            68
11 Accelerator- plasticizer of concrete mixtures  « Shtainberg   UPBS»  ( consistence - water    solution)                            26
12 Accelerator- plasticizer of concrete mixtures  « Shtainberg   UPBS МВ» ( consistence - water    solution)                            29
13 Full-function modifier « Shtainberg PFM-ISO» ( consistence - water    solution)                            31
14 Plasticizer for concrete« Shtainberg PVR-11S»  ( consistence - water solution)                            28

General Description: 
- Admixture for concrete and construction solutions is a mixture of calcium, nitrate, corrosion inhibitor and plasticizer.  
-It conforms to requirements of GOST 24211 “Admixtures for concrete and construction solutions. General technical specifications” TU 5745-015-69867132-2012.  
-Admixture doesn't contain the substances causing corrosion.
-Antifreeze admixtures  of GOST 24211-2008 provide hardening of concrete at t - 25 ± 5 °C with a set of a  stability of 30% and more from durability within 28 days of normal curing.  
-It is a plasticizer of group 2 - The admixture is produced in the liquid state;
it is ready to application and allows to save time in the manufacture of concrete and construction solution.       Operating Ability of a Product:    
  -Provides hardening of concrete or solution at temperature -25 °C
  -Improves quality and plasticity of concrete or mortar mix (decrease in water requirement of concrete mix to 15%).
  -Promotes increase of durability of concrete at 30% and more during the first day of curing and increase of protective properties of concrete in relation to steel fittings (corrosion inhibitor of metal).
  -Increases stability of water-retaining ability of mortar mix – not less than 95%.
  -Possibility of storage and transportation to - 50C.    

Field of Application :      Ready-mixed concrete, and also concrete of monolithic and ferroconcrete designs, in the wide range of brands on durability and other operational properties, the concrete subjected by TVO.

  Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика Яндекс цитирования